Helping organisations and individuals organise and improve their communication processes through analysis, project management, mediation and training.

You can't solve a problem from the same level of thinking that created it.
Albert Einstein


As a strong communicator with significant international, multi-cultural experience, I lead projects and advise clients on their business communication processes. I also conduct workshops and brainstorming sessions, aided by my a wide range of interests and experiences. I constantly search for opportunities for improvement and development, helping my clients achieve the effectiveness and efficiency they require. With experience in the non-profit sector and in developing nations, I consider myself an especially suitable consultant in both.

Personal Background

I was born in South Africa, and lived there until I was 12 years old. My grandparents are of Dutch descent, and as such I grew up speaking Afrikaans, Dutch and English.

When I was 12, my family moved to Ghana, West Africa. There I went to two different international schools, first one following the British educational system, and then to an American school. In high school, I was very involved in extra-curricular activities, as a member of the swimming team and by participating in Model United Nations and an environmental club. In late 1999 I moved to Eindhoven, The Netherlands in order to finish my final years of school in the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme. During my time in the IB programme, I continued my very extensive involvement in Model United Nations, including being a founding member of the THIMUN Youth Network and a key developer of the THIMUN Youth Assembly.

After finishing High School, I studied Information Technology for a year, as a student in the first international class at Fontys University in Eindhoven. I completed my propodeutic phase, and moved to The Hague to work for the THIMUN Foundation, organising the world's largest high school Model United Nations conference, THIMUN.

In 2005 I joined Hotelschool The Hague to study Hospitality Management. I remained a very active student participating in numerous extra-curricular activites. I worked for the school as a student IT lecturer, as an assistant in the admissions office, and as a Duty Manager for the school building. I was elected chairman of the Student Council, and participated in a number of other extra-curricular clubs and organisations of the school, including the Curriculum Committee, responsible for Phase 1 of the new curriculum of the school. Upon graduation, I received the Allegro Award, given to the student that leaves the biggest impact on the school during his or her studies.

After internships in Dubai and Brussels and a stint working for a hotel supply company, I started my own business in 2011. Since late 2012 I operate out of an office in Leiden. I share this with other freelancers and a small business. Apart from sharing an office, we also often collaborate on projects.

Hobbies and Voluntary Activities

Since 2010, I have been the chairman of the Advisory Board of the Student Council Hotelschool The Hague. The Advisory Board is a voluntary group of three former students that advise and consult the student members of the Student Council, and to oversee the financial matters.

In my free time, I am an avid runner, regularly competing in races ranging from 5km races to half and full marathons. I am also an active participant in the management of my local running group.

I am a wine and food enthusiast, enjoying dining experiences and good bottles of wine. I have a particular love for Australian and Argentinean reds. Since I also enjoy reading, sometimes nothing beats a good book and a good glass of wine.