Helping organisations and individuals organise and improve their communication processes through analysis, project management, mediation and training.

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela

Project Management

Processes and teams in organisations are often tied to projects. Whether it's in the exact definition of a project with a set time-span, or a loosely defined team of collaborators, teams usually work towards a common goal. Different perspectives and frames of reference, as well as different motivations can make effective collaboration difficult, and often result in delays and unnecessary frustrations. By analysing and improving the communication strategies within a project team, I can help these teams work more efficiently and effectively.


  • Determining the key processes and communication lines within an association to find ways to simplify and streamline the communication
  • Documenting the key decisions and connections made within a pilot project for documentation purposes